If we made a mistake with your product or if it was damaged in transit, please notify us within 30 days of product being shipped. help@photoalbumsdirect.com please include images, order numbers, and info about issue.
If you made a mistake on your order, the product becomes damaged somehow over time, or if you did not notify us within 30 days of shipping, we’ll be happy to repair for a fee. We can repair the product assuming it’s able to be fixed and we still offer that iteration of product (for example an album cover type we might have discontinued will not be able to be replaced). Please email us at help@photoalbumsdirect.com with order number, images, and summary of issue. We’ll provide a quote for repair.
Our product is made to last if treated well. If there is a complete failure of product please notify us at help@photoalbumsdirect.com
We’ll review each repair and redo request.
Our albums are custom, therefore we are not able to do refunds on returns or repairs.